UAE resident Eva Clarke smashes push-ups world record

Mahak Mannan 17:57 02/02/2014
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  • The UAE’s fittest woman, Eva Clarke, has successfully smashed the world record for the most knuckle push-ups in the space of 24 hours.

    Clarke, who also holds the world record for the most amount of knuckle push-ups in one hour, staged her record attempt at Al Wahda Mall in Abu Dhabi. And the 34-year-old crushed the previous record of 7,000 with a total 9,241 push-ups.

    The former military fitness trainer managed to complete 1206 push-ups in her first hour. Subsequently she went on to push herself to a 6000 total after 11 hours.

    At the end of 24 hours, Clarke had achieved her record-breaking total. 

    Aside from the honour of an impressive fitness world record, Clarke's aim was to raise awareness and funds for the Maria Cristina Foundation – a charity that provides education for children in Bangladesh.

    Her heroics raised approximately US$17,000 for the foundation through the audience and donations.

    Clarke, who is an Australian expat living in the UAE and is a mother of three, has previously won the Dubai Fitness Competition and has also invented her own workout called HUA.

    The programme takes its name from the acronym that soldiers chant when receiving orders: Heard-Understood-Acknowledged – and is a full body, ultra-intensive class based on the cross-fit style of exercise.

    “I was very anxious at the start, but I used the adrenaline to my advantage and pushed through knowing that I am making a difference," Clarke said after completing her world record-breaking challenge. "The experience was incredible and I hope it helps people see that a spoonful of courage and a dash of resilience can get you to wherever you want to be.”

    Although she reached her desired goal, Clarke did incur a number of complications during the process. 

    “I had to go hard and I strained my joints, and I had to continue maintaining good form," she revealed. "My knuckles were okay, my shoulder fine, but I had really sore elbows.

    “I kept stretching, getting massaged, and I couldn’t stop moving. I couldn’t do pushups but I had to do something physical.”

    Clarke regularly took breaks throughout the 24 hours to relax, get massages, eat and drink to freshen up and get back to the task.

    “I felt exhilarated, relieved that it was over and excited about the money we raised,” Clarke said of her emotions. “I was overwhelmed with the community support and I had so many people to thank.”

    To prepare herself for the 24 hour challenge, Clarke had been preparing for this record for a long time now by averaging 4800 push-ups per day and maintaining a healthy diet of carbohydrates, protein and fresh fruits and vegetables.

    “I want to mention that everyone who somehow took part or came and watched the event, donated, sent me messages or worked by my side with pushups and other extreme activities/exercises," she wrote on her Facebook page. "You ALL truly pushed me to the finish line. Your words, actions, thoughts, comments and prayers got me there – 24 hours later. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.”
