Lifestyler: Yoga postures for internal organs

Josie McKenlay 05:22 29/09/2016
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  • Key to healthy living: Yoga.

    The two previous columns have been about which nutrients each part of the body requires. We spend a lot of time thinking about diet to lose weight or prevent ill health, but I wanted to illustrate how getting enough of the right nutrients can improve the function of the body.

    This week I will show you some yoga postures to ensure the smooth running of your internal organs.

    Warm up

    A few rounds of Cat/Cow will start the process off nicely with some long, slow deep breathing. Moving the spine through flexion and extension stretches and squeezes all the internal organs. Great for the spine and discs too.

    Salabhasana (Locust)


    Stimulates the digestive system, relieves constipation and indigestion. Excellent back strengthener.

    Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Half Spinal Twist)

    Stimulates the liver, kidneys, digestive system, abdominal organs, urinary bladder and intestines as well as relieving stress.


    Pavanmuktasana (Knee to Chest)

    Wind relieving pose: Lay on your back, stretch one leg along the ground and squeeze the other bent thigh against the front of the body on each exhalation. 5 each leg.

    Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

    Inversions help blood to flow into the upper lungs, making the lung tissue healthier. Shoulder stand can also help to drain mucus from the lungs. The heart works hard constantly, pushing fresh, oxygen-rich blood into the internal organs and the brain: inversions improve that flow with less effort from the heart.


    Savasana (Corpse Pose)

    Essential for the mind and body to fully assimilate the benefits of the other postures. Balancing, stimulates internal cleansing and gives space for optimal function. Deep breathing massages the organs too.
