#360fit: GuavaPass's healthy habits tips

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  • Stay fit and healthy with these key pieces of information.

    Individuals who are in the best shape are also the most knowledgeable when it comes to nurturing healthy habits. When it comes down to fitness and health, results don’t lie! Here’s a shortlist of the best practices fit people know to do.

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    Habit #1 – Hydration is key

    There are a variety of drinks we can consume, water being the most essential (here are ways to avoid getting bored of water). Athletes and fit individuals alike know there’s more to hydration than just regular H2O – such as how vital it is to replenish electrolytes when thinking about optimizing our performance and recovery. Drinking the recommended amount of water is important as it will help you take charge of portions and it is obviously an essential component to basic body functions.

    Habit #2 – Sleep is treasured

    Our muscles require rest. Our body needs rest. Performance and optimizing on the work you put in when you sweat is also about proper recovery. Along with other underrated methods of recovery, sleep is one of the best recovery methods there is. Being disciplined about how much sleep and the quality of sleep we get is important.

    Habit #3 – Quality is what matters most when it comes to food

    From the world’s best athletes to babies, there’s no denying what we feed our bodies impacts everything about how our body functions. The quality of food matters so much more than people would like to admit, and the number of calories consumed should not be the primary focus because calorie counting is a fad.

    Habit #4 – It’s not about perfection, it’s about a lifestyle

    There are truths to achieving success in your health. The key shift is making health and fitness a lifestyle. They’re not yo-yo dieting and switching up their eating habits every few weeks or months. People who make health and fitness their life adjust their eating and workout habits to what best fits them. The most important awareness is understanding that you can’t be perfect all the time.

    In other words, having a donut or some cookies isn’t going to lead them into a downward spiral of guilt. Missing one week of workouts isn’t that much of a concern because taking a break is sometimes just what you need.

    It’s not about sticking to a strict and unrealistic regiment. It’s about finding what works best for you. It’s about making healthier choices and committing to healthier habits most of the time.

    Habit #5 – Health and fitness is a social thing

    Surround yourself with other like minded individuals. Social relevance is something that tends to be overlooked, but including a social element is what will help transition your commitment into a lifestyle. Wouldn’t it be easier to commit to a routine if you workout with a friend? Or have a group of friends who stick to the same routine? If more of your friends are inviting you to Saturday morning bootcamps instead of boozy brunches, do you think it’ll be easier to make healthier choices?

    “Social relevance is something that tends to be overlooked, but including a social element is what will help transition your commitment into a lifestyle.”

    This article was written by Tasha Kolonas on the Guava Pass Blog.
