Five top exercises to help build your core muscles

David Cooper - Writer 15:39 21/02/2018
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  • One area of the body that is often overlooked when training is the core. It is crucial in nearly everything you do, from walking with good posture to better athletic performance.

    Core training strengthens your hips, lower back and abs and will reduce injury and improve stability. For people who are sitting at a desk all day, it is important to train your core as this can reduce lower back pain.

    Most movements start at the centre of the body and work outwards, meaning a strong core can help overall efficiency when going about your day-to-day tasks.

    Here, we take a look at four simple exercises to help build a six pack.


    Lie flat on your stomach with your arms bent.

    Make sure your fingers are pointing forward and your legs are extended.

    Slowly lift your torso and legs off the floor.

    Hold for one minute.

    Repeat three times.


    Lie on your side and raise your hips.

    Make sure your body is in a straight line.

    Hold the position for 60 seconds without letting your hips drop.

    Finish and repeat on the opposite side.

    Repeat three times.


    Lie flat on the floor.

    Bend your knees and put your hands behind your head.

    Lift your head towards your knees until you feel the burn across your stomach.

    Repeat 50 times.


    Lie flat on the floor.

    Slowly lift your legs up until you feel the burn.

    If you can bring your legs up to a 90 degree angle, then even better.

    Pause and lower the legs back down.

    Repeat 30 times.


    Lie flat on the floor with your legs fully extended.

    Place arms above the head to stabilise your body.

    Lift your knees towards your chest and lift your shoulders off the floor.

    Rotate to the left, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee.

    Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards your right knee.

    Do not allow the legs to touch the floor.

    Repeat 20-30 times.
