#360fit: Nutritionist approved everyday diet swaps that add up to long-term benefits

FitnessLink 16:51 04/03/2015
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  • Here are Chloe Moir Nutrition’s top food swaps for people who are looking to make long term healthy changes to their diet and lifestyle.

    Every little step counts when adopting a healthy lifestyle. Don’t get caught up in making unrealistic changes that are going to be hard to stick to after just one month. Here are Chloe Moir Nutrition’s top food swaps for people who are looking to make long term healthy changes to their diet and lifestyle.

    – #360fit: Stepping into Cryotherapy for Health & Wellness

    1. That 10am latte you order every day isn’t doing any you any favours. Swap it for a drink that is not milk based such as a tea or a plunger coffee. Better yet cut the caffeine altogether and stick with water!

    2. Vegetable oils that are used for cooking are best left on the super market shelves. Choose coconut oil (for cooking), and olive oil or avocado oil on salads.

    3. Swap the white rice for quinoa or red rice to save your blood sugar levels. I could spend hours writing about the importance of maintaining stable blood sugar levels for health reasons and weight management. Follow my advice, cut out all process carbohydrates!

    4. Throw out your processed cereals (bran flakes, cornflakes, Special K) and replace them with a raw muesli or oats to keep you fuller for longer.

    5. Swap the sugar in your coffee to honey or avoid it altogether!

    6. Pre made sauces and dressings can be loaded with sugar, toxic oils, food chemicals and loads of salt. Use herbs and spices to flavour foods and olive oil and lemon juice to dress salads.

    7. For majority of the people I see, their meat portions at dinner are far too big. Swap half of your meat for extra vegetables to increase your micronutrient intake and lower the calories – especially important if your goal is to lose weight.

    8. Fruit juices are high in sugar and usually made from concentrate. Next time you feel like sipping on a glass of orange juice, opt first for the actual fruit, I guarantee this will satisfy your thirst!

    9. When white rice is processed, the “brown” bran layer gets stripped away, cutting out essential nutrients (like fiber). Opt for brown rice for a fuller nutritional profile.

    10. This is the biggest change I encourage my clients in Dubai to make. Instead of eating out and buying your meals, cook more at home. This way you are always able to prepare healthy food and you know exactly what ingredients you are using.

    Check out Chloe’s outstanding blog here for plenty of advice and direction on your food and health: http://www.chloemoirnutrition.com/
