Ahmed Labban: Using boxing to develop core body muscles

Ahmed Labban 11:28 08/10/2015
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  • Kickboxing sensation: Ahmed Labban.

    A great way to develop upper body and ab muscles is through speed ball and shadow boxing exercises. These are exercises I include in my training regularly and they help to develop central muscles in the body.

    To burn fat, this type of cardio is very beneficial. Due to the constant torso rotation, boxing works your core and reduces fat around the abs area. It’s even a fun way to relieve stress and great  to include in your training program.

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    How do you do it?

    The speed ball exercise is simple and involves hitting the speed ball as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds.  Take a short break and then repeat the exercise again – aim to do it for ten minutes if you can. 

    What’s the benefit?

    You will feel a great burn along your shoulders, arms and back. With consistent repetitions, it should add significant definition to your muscles.

    Top tip

    Your lower back and abs provide the power for the punch, so be sure to lock your stomach muscles when throwing the punch. Be calm and with constant practice, your technique will become more natural.


    How do you do it?

    It’s simple: imagine you are fighting your shadow and that it can fight back. Punch the air, weave left and right.  It might seem strange punching into thin air but it is great training.

    What’s the benefit?

    This exercise is crucial for shoulder and ab endurance. The faster you go, the more it will work your body. An exercise like shadow boxing does everything -improving your speed, power, technique and endurance.

    Top Tip

    Try to hold your core firm when punching and keep your body as straight as possible in order to get the best power.

    *Ahmed Labban is a professional kickboxer from Beirut. He was the Middle East’s first ever competitor in the Invictus Award by Paco Rabanne.
