Ahmed Labban: Developing key body muscles with two short exercises

Ahmed Labban 18:15 19/11/2015
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  • Kickboxing sensation: Ahmed Labban.

    A great way to develop upper body and lower body muscles is through wide grip pull-ups and cleans.

    These are exercises I include in my training regularly and they help to develop speed, technique and general strength in central muscle groups.

    Mastering the technique of wide grip pull-ups and cleans is one of the main issues but the more practice will, not only help you to enjoy the workout but help push your body to the limit.

    It’s a great way to relieve stress and help you to achieve your fitness goals as we approach the end of another year.


    How do you do it?

    Wide grip pull-ups are simple and involves pulling your body up to the tip of the bar 10 times.

    In between you can give your body a one minute break before proceeding to the next set – aim to do five sets if you can.

    What's the benefit?

    You will feel a great burn along your shoulders, arms, chest and back. With practice, this will develop incredible upper body strength and help to add muscle definition.

    Top tip:

    Your shoulders, back and arms provide the power for this exercise, so be sure to tense these muscles when pulling your body up.

    Be sure to inhale and exhale at each rep in order to keep the oxygen flowing around your body. Ask a friend to watch you in order to help improve your technique.


    How do you do it?

    It looks difficult at the outset but the more you persist with this exercise, the more it will develop speed and power.

    Look up, twist the bar and push up. It’s all repetition and practice. It might seem strange but its great training.

    What’s the benefit?

    This exercise is essential for your hips and groins. The faster you go, the more it will work these muscles. An exercise like cleans does everything – improving your speed, power, technique and endurance.

    Top tips:

    Try to hold your legs firm when lifting and keep your arms loose in order to execute the repetition with conviction.
