#360fit: Listen to the scientists to improve your training performance

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  • Every day there is research coming out to help you take your training to the next level.

    Around the world, at any given time, there are always studies going on to help you achieve your fitness goal in numerous laboratories and Universities. Whether it’s the best way to increase strength, lose fat, recover or improve fitness, there is new research coming out every day to help you take your training to the next level. Below are just a few that I have found recently, that I wanted to share with you:

    Increase Strength

    One of the best ways to get stronger is to simply lift heavy weights. A very popular strength program would be a 5×5 routine, which consists of completing 5 sets of 5 reps of any given exercise. This works best for compound movements such as Squats, Deadlifts, Bench pressing etc. The weight needs to be heavy enough that you’re pushing very hard for those 5 reps, but not so hard that your technique is compromised.

    The Science part – Recent studies have shown that if you add an additional set of low weight and high reps at the end of your strength routine, then you will build more muscle size and strength, as it helps to increase growth hormone synthesis. Therefore, after a heavy 5×5 squat routine, throw in a set of 20 reps with a lower weight and watch your legs grow in a matter of weeks!

    One of the best ways to get stronger is to simply lift heavy weights.

    Supplement before training

    Ever wondered what happens to your muscles when you weight train? After a hard workout, your muscles actually get damaged and torn. The body then starts repair these muscles during your rest, where they come back bigger and stronger. To assist in the repair and recovery process, many experts advise on taking a Whey protein supplement after training to support your muscles.

    The Science part – Researches have found that it may be more beneficial to take your protein shake before training, rather than after. They believe the body needs a little longer to digest the amino acids that come from whey protein shakes, and therefore hits your muscles at just the right time when you need them the most.

    – #360fit: Why a lack of sleep could make you fat
    – #360fit: How does alcohol affect your training?
    – #360fit: How to motivate yourself to workout

    Sauna after training

    Sauna’s are a great way to sweat out any bad toxins in your body. Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand have found that by sitting in the sauna for 30 minutes after your training session may also help with endurance events.

    The Science bit – When you enter a sauna, your body increases the amount of plasma within your blood, which also means that it actually gets thinner. If you continue using the sauna, not only does your plasma levels remain high, but your body will start to make more red blood cells. More red blood cells could mean an increase in maximum oxygen consumption, which means increased performance.

    Trying implementing these three performance enhancers to your routine and see what happens with your training. They may just help you with the added advantage you need to take your training to the next level or to beat your competitors in your next competition.

    James Chandler is general manager of Talise Fitness at Jumeirah Emirates Towers, Dubai.
